Vaccines, given on time, protect people. They provide immunity before exposure to deadly diseases. The nation's vaccine safety system is long-standing. It ensures that U.S. vaccines are the safest in the world. Vaccines, developed in the 18th century, have saved millions of lives. They have also protected many from disease and disability. And, from disfigurement.
With so much info about vaccines, you may wonder, "Are they safe?" It's crucial to know the facts before deciding on your or your family's health.
The resources below provide accurate info about vaccines and how they work. They present a balanced view of the benefits and risks of immunization. This helps you make informed decisions. They also discuss vaccines' safety and effectiveness. Your healthcare provider is the most trusted source on immunizations.
Finding Credible Vaccine Information on the Web
Some websites spread unbalanced and alarming views on vaccines. This has fueled fears about their safety and doubts about their effectiveness. Before trusting vaccine info on the Internet, check its source. It should be credible and regularly updated. Here are some sources of credible vaccine information:
Evaluating Online Immunization Information
If you seek vaccine info online, are the sites credible? Check these sources for guidance:
The Internet is a good tool for researching immunization information, but it should not replace a talk with your trusted healthcare professional.