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NC Department of Health and Human Services
Women's and Children's Health Home
N.C. Public Health Home
North Carolina Immunization Branch

Emergency Preparedness

Preparation is key to successfully handling an emergency, whether it is a hurricane, unexpected power failure, or a refrigerator or freezer malfunction.

Take the following steps and precautions to protect your vaccines.

Stay prepared for unexpected emergencies:

  • Review and update your routine and emergency vaccine storage and handling plans as needed.
    • Once you’re under pressure, having a written and documented plan will take guesswork out of protecting your vaccine supply. Remember that in flood-prone areas, disaster threats to your facility may continue for days after the initial storm has passed.
  • Ensure staff are familiar with emergency management plans including after-hours roles and

When an emergency strikes:

  • Suspend vaccination activities if possible BEFORE the onset of emergency conditions to allow time to prepare.
  • Shelter vaccines in place, when possible.
  • Move vaccines only when it is apparent you will be without power for an extended amount of time, and it is safe to do so.
  • Know where you will get supplies now as it may be difficult during an emergency.
  • Ensure vaccine supplies are stored off the floor to prevent damage from potential flooding.
  • Create and implement a monitoring/notification system during times of inclement weather or other conditions that might cause a power outage.
  • Test emergency generator(s) and review test log(s) to ensure successful operation.
  • Verify enough fuel is available for generators for at least 72 hours of continuous use.
  • Review vaccine transport guide(s) to verify you have appropriate packing materials to safely store vaccine temporarily.
  • Use a CDC recommended Digital Data Logger (DDL) with a current and valid Certificate of Calibration Testing to monitor temperatures.
  • Place new batteries in your primary and backup digital data loggers.
  • Confirm staff is up to date on Tdap vaccine.

If a power failure occurs:

  • Determine the cause and estimate the time it will take to Vaccines may remain inside a nonfunctioning unit as long as appropriate temperatures are maintained. Monitor your DDL to determine when additional action should be taken.
  • Maintain thermal conditions, do not open the storage unit door until power is restored or it is determined that vaccines must be packed in separate storage containers and/or transported. Storage unit temperature may be maintained with the proper amount of water bottles in a refrigerator and frozen water bottles in a freezer. Have at least a case (24) of 8 or 16.9 fluid ounce frozen water bottles on-site that can be conditioned for transport.
  • Prepare for your emergency procedure to shelter in place or transport after 30 minutes without power, including pre-chilling on-site coolers or notifying the emergency back-up location.
  • Consider the type of vaccine being transported and the storage capacity at the back-up location.
  • Monitor the data logger thermometer to ensure vaccines remain within the appropriate temperature range(s) during transport.
  • Avoid freezing vaccine during transport so not to damage it.
  • Exposure to temperatures outside of the recommended range may damage the immunogenicity and not be visually apparent.
  • Do not wait for refrigerator temperatures to reach 8°C (46°F) or freezer temperatures to reach -15°C (5°F) to begin emergency vaccine procedures, remembering that immediate action is required when temperatures fall outside the recommended range(s).
  • Document date and time vaccines were moved to the back-up location and monitor temperatures in the back-up refrigerator/freezer where vaccines are stored. Back-up storage units must adhere to the same requirements as the primary storage units.

When power is restored:

  • Record the temperature in the unit as soon as possible.
  • Continue to monitor temperatures until they reach the normal 2–8°C range in the refrigerator, or -15°C or colder in the freezer.
  • Record duration of increased temperature exposure and maximum temperature observed.
  • Separate exposed vaccine from new product and continue to store at the proper temperature(s), if possible, remembering that vaccine shipments could be suspended due to road conditions.
  • Mark vaccine exposed to out-of-range temperatures with the date and time and label “DO NOT USE,” move exposed vaccine to approved, working storage unit and contact the Immunization Branch at 1-877-873-6247.

Contact us:

  • Call the Immunization Branch at 1-877-873-6247 with questions.
  • Note we may be closed during times of inclement weather. All voicemail messages left during closure will be returned the following business day or as soon as possible.

More resources: